अस्वाभाविक रुप से - asvabhavik rup se meaning in hindi

Suggested :
अप्रतिनिधिक | unrepresentative |
They have an unrepresentative minority rule. | |
धारा | flow |
Thus, the flow of electrons in this system is cyclical. | |
चंचलता | variability |
Despite the variability | |
अगड़धत्ता | loud |
The editor of the Times laughed out loud when he read it | |
अविवाहिता स्त्री | maiden |
The ugly witch changed into a lovely maiden . |
asvabhavik rup se
अक्षरों की संख्या: 17 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
asvaabhaavika rupa se
Related spellings : asvaabhaavik rup se,asvabhavik rup se
Related spellings : asvaabhaavik rup se,asvabhavik rup se
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